
A 6 week programme for £79

This is for those of you that want a more 1-2-1 training approach.

You get a personalised plan to follow that is accessed by an exclusive app – this holds your information and personalised plans for you to perform anywhere, and the plan is programmed for you, with your likes and dislikes taken into account but for you to reach your goals.

All exercises broken down and explained and clearly set out so that you can continue to perfect form and continue to progress.

Unlimited access to myself with full support knowing I’m totally with you along your journey.

Access to streamed sessions, so having me on whatever device you choose where I’ll help to motivate you through instructor led routines. These can be done at a time that works for you. 

Access to a community group Bethandaviesfitnessfamily to seek support and encouragement from like minded people.

Next availability January