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Protein and fibre

Why keep on eye on how much your eating?

Protein start off with 1g per kg of bodyweight then build to 1.3 then finally 1.6-1.8 grams,

✅ It will help to keep you satiated and keep hunger pangs at bay

Protein has numerous benifits but here’s the main reasons why I want you to eat more

This is because protein reduces your level of the hunger hormone Ghrelin, however it increases the levels of peptide YY which is a hormone and it will make you feel fuller.

✅ It will help to offset muscle loss and preserve muscle while in a calorie deficit as protein is broken down into amino acids which are the building blocks of the body.

✅ It will you to to build fat free mass, – more muscle will help you to feel more toned which will increase your tdee, your total daily energy expenditure (calorie burn) as muscle has a higher metabolic demand than fat and it will help to stabilise your joints and increase your strength and endurance.

✅ It burns more energy to digest protein. TEF thermic effect of food – they increase your metabolic rate by 15–30%, compared with 5–10% for carbs and 0–3% for fats

✅ It will also help to increase intestinal calcium absorption, this is really important or to men but particularly women as we age to help increase bone density.

Fibre 20-30 grams per day (aiming for 30!)

Eating a high fibre diet can add roughage to your gut decreasing the risk of cancer, stroke, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.

It will also help your body slow down digestion allowing you to absorb more from the macronutrients you eat. – Aim to eat them throughout the day rather than post workout as your body has depleted your muscles after a workout and a higher protein meal/shake is more beneficial then.

You should be consuming both soluble and insoluble fibre

Water Soluble Fiber

These fibers absorb water during digestion. Because of this process, soluble fiber helps improve satiaty – helping you feel fuller longer. Some types will also help regulate blood sugar levels and lower cholesterol.

It will help to move the food through your gut.

. Common food types of soluble fiber include:

  • Apples
  • Oats
  • Lentils
  • Potatoes
  • Carrots
  • Chickpeas
  • Berries
  • Wholegrains
  • Nuts and seeds

Insoluble Fiber

The other type is insoluble. These types of fiber often come from plant cell walls and provide good intestinal motility. You can get these from foods such as the following:

  • Wholegrain varieties of breads, rice and pasta
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Potato skins
  • Vegetables such as green beans, cauliflower and courgette
  • Some fruits – avocado, and under ripe bananas, kiwi, grapes and even tomatoes

This will leave you less constipated, feeling fuller on low energy foods the rich in micronutrients so vitamins and minerals needed to promote hormone regulation and leave your colon that little bit happier.

Get on with eating more of both!

please check out the BHFs page for further details

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